The news that the privatisation tender for Kalamata Airport, which includes its comprehensive restructuring by the awarded consortium, is finally nearing completion, is a significant development for Mani and its residents. This event, expected to attract a significantly higher number of visitors to the larger area, adds to the already observed increase in tourist activity brought about by the completion, some years ago, of the motorway that safely and swiftly connected the capital Athens to Kalamata and Sparta. The economic impact of these major investments on the region could be continuous and upward, as long as we learn to cooperate and promote the fair claims of our land in a coordinated manner.

Gone are the days when the significant number of Mani residents allowed critical issues of the region to be promoted to central government and addressed effectively. The population decline due to internal and external migration as well as the low birth rates, has significantly reduced the political leverage that could be exerted through the region’s once-strong electoral influence. Also nearly extinct are the patriotic politicians of earlier times, who seized every opportunity to advance public projects in our area.

The only way left to take advantage of the positive prospects created by favourable circumstances in the broader geographical area is through collaboration among our local regions, with coordinated efforts led by local government representatives. The historical alliances documented in the past, often reenacted during local anniversary events, are not merely fleeting spectacles or photographic records of individuals. They represent life paths and timeless lessons of effective actions. It would be wise for our representatives to keep these lessons in mind and take them into account when making decisions.

Those who have followed the long-term developments concerning Mani’s progress have noted the prolonged stagnation of critical public works related to the region’s main road axis. Their completion would significantly reduce travel time to the area for users of the motorway and airport. Specifically, two major public works were commissioned: in 1996, the study for bypassing the section Kampos-Stavropigio of the Kalamata-Kardamyli-Areopoli provincial road, and in 2006, the study for the Sparta-Gytheio national road. Nearly 30 years have passed since the first project and 20 years since the second, but minimal progress has been made! Although the responsible authorities are the Peloponnese Region (Περιφέρεια Πελοποννήσου) for the first project and the Ministry of Infrastructure (Υπουργείο Υποδομών) for the second, there are also responsibilities of the local government for tolerating their prolonged stagnation. It appears that it has not been fully understood that the local government, beyond its exclusive responsibilities related to current management issues, has a say and rights regarding significant matters that impact the region’s economy and its residents. While it may not have the budget to fund these projects, it has the capacity to apply pressure on those with actual jurisdiction. Advocacy by its representatives to relevant authorities, publicising the necessity of these projects through the media, and mobilising residents, especially during sensitive electoral periods, are powerful tools with proven effectiveness. However, this requires the local government and its representatives to demonstrate the willingness to organise, coordinate, and direct these actions – something which unfortunately has not been seen in recent years…

Now, with the upgrade of Kalamata Airport set to boost tourism in the Peloponnese through increased flights and organised travel packages, the urgency of improving travel time from the airport to Mani’s tourist destinations becomes imperative. Equally critical is the need for the local government, professional bodies, and cultural organisations to intervene with the relevant authorities to “unblock” the aforementioned road projects. This would ensure that the flow of visitors to Mani benefits the tourism sector and the region as a whole. Specifically, the small bypass project for Kampos-Stavropigio is at an advanced planning stage, requiring only the preparation of the route’s land registry and funding for its tendering. Additionally, the studies for the Kardamyli and Agios Nikon bypasses, as well as the section from the intersection to Monemvasia until Gytheio of the Sparta-Gytheio national road, need to be completed through strong interventions with the authorities, so that funding can subsequently be pursued.

We hope that our recommendations will contribute to the necessary activation of local government and other collective bodies in our region.



  A law was recently passed by the Parliament aimed at more effectively regulating water management. Its main feature is the restructuring of how water networks are managed. In most areas, except for Attica and the Thessaloniki region, management is handled by the municipalities through municipal water supply companies or through their own budget. The new law aims to establish and operate a water supply company in each prefecture (νομός), which will be responsible for both utilising springs and other water reserves, as well as for the development of distribution networks and the financial management of water consumption.

    The main impetus for this new legislation was the reduction of water reserves due to decreased rainfall and the ineffective way in which municipal water companies or municipalities have been managing water distribution. On one hand, these entities have accumulated deficits in their budgets, and on the other hand, they have unevenly distributed available water quantities, while failing to enhance their water reserves through necessary projects to exploit potential underground sources.

    Τhe issue also concerns the Mani region, which has so far only minimally utilised the water resources hidden within the Taygetus mountain range that runs through it. Furthermore, the management of water quantities distributed to consumers has been anything but fair.

    Because of the seriousness of this issue, we will closely monitor its development over the long period that will be required until this legislation reaches the level of practical implementation and will keep our readers informed.



Widespread collusion and corruption is a global phenomenon. It is closely connected to the political developments of the post-industrial period, which had two main characteristics: the overcoming of ideological frameworks and the overdevelopment of individualism. Since the theoretical bases of ideologies led to shared values that defined the boundaries of citizens’ lives and activities, the weakening of ideologies has critically undermined those values, reducing their general acceptance. As a result, individual interests have emerged as a dominant pursuit, overturning the delicate balance between personal and social interests.

The promotion of social goals and prospects, centered around state administrations, has been eroded under these emerging trends. Individual pursuits by certain members within administration and management have played a role in upsetting the balance between personal and social interests. This has created collusion, which promotes private interests through the machinery of state administration. Such activities have become the main cause of the proliferation of corruption, spreading across a broad spectrum of the economy, the structures of the wider public sector, and those people dealing with them.

It would be discouraging if such phenomena led citizens, those who still believe in principles and values and aspire to transparent and efficient governance, to abandon their critisicm in this kind of situations and to attempt to intervene, both in word and action, in order to combat these issues. The frequently expressed political will of the state to take measures that expose and suppress such phenomena is a motivating factor in this endeavour. However, the declared government intention for reforms must focus on addressing this kind of phenomena in a radical way, starting with the detection of their hidden forms and following through to the exposure of their anti-social consequences.

The public disclosure of all financial transactions involving the state could empower citizens to access and process relevant information, particularly within the sphere of their interest, to identify illegal activities. These open procedures, through the publication of all their aspects, can form an initial barrier to tendencies toward collusion and corruption. Citizens have welcomed two broad-based initiatives from previous governments: the establishment of the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) in 1994, under the ministry of Anastasios Peponis, for public sector recruitment, and the Transparency (Diavgeia) program in 2010, which mandates the publication of all decisions by state agencies and public organisations.

Additionally, the establishment of the Internal Affairs Directorate within the Greek Police in 1999 and the Financial Police Directorate in 2014 has significantly advanced efforts to combat collusion and corruption, although their effectiveness varies depending on the leadership in place. These institutions, along with the development of the Information Technology sector over the decades that have intervened since then, constitute an initial barrier against collusion and corruption. However, experience has shown that these measures are insufficient, particularly as trends toward privatising public goods intensify over time.

The main obstacle to creating a healthier environment lies in the very structure of the public sector and the mentality that characterises much of the hierarchy, from top to bottom. Indifference and guilty silence in response to attempts to share critical information are key traits of this mindset, ultimately leading concerned citizens to give up their efforts to seek relevant data or abandon their desire for in-depth investigations into the actions of public administrations and organisations. The European Commission’s expertise in establishing and operating the Internal Audit Service, tasked with monitoring and controlling its services while providing guidance under the direct supervision of a judicial body (the European Court of Auditors), could serve as a model for our country. It is widely acknowledged that the public works sector, in particular, requires radical reform, along with continuous monitoring and oversight to ensure the efficient use of public funds.

The above issues, as noted, also affect organisations, funded by the state, such as local governments. Similar proposals for internal control and monitoring of local government affairs in our region, Mani, are especially necessary given the limited financial resources, which demand maximum efficiency.

                                                                                                THE EDITORIAL BOARD


We have become accustomed to referring to small and large homelands and loving them equally. This perspective carries emotional undertones and forms a harmonious relationship between the two homelands. Unfortunately, in many cases where an economic aspect is involved, harmony breaks down, and elements of competition emerge. This is the cause of the emergence of regionalism, defined as attachment to the interests of one’s particular homeland or region and indifference to the interests of the broader area. The background of localism can be traced to the traditional relationships of individuals within families and small settlements, where complementary productive and economic activities were developed, forming the basis for shared understanding and emotional interconnection. However, growing economic needs and the search for safe living conditions against external dangers led individual areas to seek joint actions with neighbouring regions, in order to establish a magnitude that could meet needs and neutralise risks. These processes involve the whole wide spectrum that corresponds to the concept of “place”: villages, provinces, countries, and transnational associations. A problem arises when the economic aspect prevails over the emotional one, leading to competition and the rise of localism.

In our region, Mani, the concept of localism, like many other concepts, has taken on specific characteristics. These can be expressed by a single sentence: love for one’s village of origin, but also a willingness to collaborate in a wider area when high-level security issues are at stake. These tendencies have strong historical backgrounds. They are based on the patrilineal formations of families and settlements and the strong cohesion among their members. The competitive tendencies between neighbouring families were related to the productive utilisation of the generally limited land resources. However, these competitive tendencies disappeared when their security was threatened by an external enemy. Cooperation then transcended competition and local rivalries. These specific characteristics led to significant historical events during the four centuries of Ottoman rule, of which we, their descendants, are proud. The question today is, what are we doing in this era? Are we going to let the extensions of localism, based on customs or genetic heritage, dominate us, or will we recognise the enormous changes that have occurred since the old times and rally to win the battles of modern life as well? There is an urgent need to closely link individual interest with social interest, family progress with wider social, and, more generally, national progress.

Specifically for our region, Mani, which is rich in historical memories, it is essential to have as a starting point the rallies of our ancestors, which significantly contributed to the liberation of the country in the 1820s. Note, for example, that the bravest warrior at the Battle of Verga, at the extreme northwestern point of Mani, was from Skyfianika in Lower Mani. He fought voluntarily for the unified homeland, Mani, and for the preservation of its autonomy and freedom.

In modern times, the need for security, which used to lead to alliances for joint actions, has receded. However, there are now other strong reasons that compel joint actions. Addressing the marginalisation of our region in the distribution of state subsidies and assisting the developmental trend that emanates from the natural, climatic, and cultural characteristics of the unified Mani region are strong motivating factors. The reshaping of local governance, with the creation of only two mayoral centers, is a positive starting point for discussions that would have been impossible with the previous fragmentation into more than a hundred autonomous local administrative units that existed until the end of the last century. Another important factor is the unified ecclesiastical expression, the Diocese of Mani, which, even by its name, points to actions for forming a unified character for such endeavours. Of course, the maturation of conditions leading to a unified plan for joint actions requires conscious will, effort, and selfless, emotional efforts. The representatives of the three institutional expressions mentioned earlier (the two mayoral centers and the Diocese of Mani) have the main responsibility to start this process through their initiatives and actions. It is certain that if this begins and all the benefits that can arise from the completion of such plans become apparent, localisms will gradually recede, and more of our compatriots will support these initiatives. And our ancestors will rejoice, knowing that their descendants are proving themselves worthy of them.                                                                                                                                



In the editorial of the previous issue of our newspaper, we concluded: Two key actions (the ecclesiastical unification of the entire territorial region under the name of the Metropolis of Mani in 2010 and the determination of the will for cooperation across all areas for common developmental purposes through the establishment of the Mani Development Company in 1995 as a corporation with all local communities as shareholders) created a strong combined dynamic. This dynamic could serve as a starting point for generalised mobilisation of all the micro-societies of the Mani region and its cultural expressions. In particular, the unifying force, which exists as a possibility in the local ecclesiastical expression, could mobilise all the human resources of the region and our compatriots, both in Greece and abroad, in order to promote common goals of restructuring and development. The formulation of such a roadmap, and only this, could give substantial meaning to the concept of “Unified Mani” that we all advocate.

The forerunner of this idea, a sensitive and resourceful compatriot of ours, the philologist-historian Sarantos Kargakos, who is no longer with us, had already articulated this vision as early as 1996 in an article in the newspaper “Eleftheros Typos” titled “Mani, the Wronged”.  We transcribe the main part of it below, as it was recently reintroduced in publications by the always active journalist Ilias N. Christeas:

“As a Maniot, I experience a psychological split. It is difficult to define myself as either a Laconian or a Messinian. This is because Mani was divided, with one part, Aposkiaderi (Western Mani), annexed to Messinia, while Prosiiliaki (Eastern Mani) and Mesa Mani were annexed to Laconia. Thus, Mani, which should have become a separate prefecture covering the entire Taygetos up to Alagonia, lost its autonomy. Unfortunately, the administrative fragmentation, which certainly served the ambitions of some Maniots (MPs in Laconia — MPs in Messinia), harmed Mani as a region. Its population shrank. However, the administrative division did not lead to a psychological one. A Maniot is a Maniot, whether residing in Messinian or Laconian Mani. Maniots retain their most solid characteristics, even in their appearance.

However, this division constitutes a great injustice. Mani has done a lot for Greece. Some of it was negative, like the assassination of Kapodistrias, even though Kapodistrias treated the Mavromichali family unjustly. Except for some areas of Macedonia, no other region has honoured Mani’s contributions.

I would like to propose something simple: The conditions are now ripe for Mani (Messinian and Laconian) to become a unified prefecture: Nομός Μάνης. This would rectify a great historical injustice. It is the least Greece owes to Mani. The elevation of Mani to a prefecture would offer immense opportunities to the region, first of all creating a solid number of prefecture employees. As a prefecture, Mani would have the ability to participate in the European Community’s development programs, absorb its own resources, and no longer be the poor relation of Messinia and Laconia, which supposedly lives off tourism, while in reality, it lives from the sale of land and towers to foreigners. Within a single Mani prefecture, Maniots would continue – despite their eternal differences (after all, what kind of Maniots would they be otherwise?) – to maintain the unique cultural characteristics of their lineage. As for where the prefecture’s seat would be, today with the progress in transportation and communication, these are trivial problems.

Mani, in order to avoid being destroyed as a region – i.e., to avoid becoming a German “Kreis” (meaning an administrative region with a majority of foreign residents) – needs all its villages. Maniots once declared: ‘When Mani is united, it raises great warriors.’ That is, when Maniots are united, they are invincible.”

Not much can be added to what was expressed around 30 years ago. We will focus on three points: 1) The Metropolis of Mani is now a reality and could become the nucleus of developments leading in this direction. 2) Given the restricted development potential of the country through the administrative framework of the existing Regions, there is often talk about reducing their numbers and reshaping them so that they consist of Sub-Regions (περιφερειακές ενότητες) with homogeneous traditional characteristics, territorial, demographic, and genetic. (It should be noted that this last element was the main argument for the joint proposal by the local government bodies (αυτοδιοικητικοί φορείς) of Mani for funding of 2 billion drachmas through the European Community Initiative LEADER II in 1995). 3) On the central political stage, there is at least one compatriot who is driven by the same emotional connection to the land and our ancestors as expressed by Sarantos Kargakos.

It remains for us to focus on the unification idea and unite. The rest will come because “when Maniots are united, they are invincible.”

                                                                                                            THE EDITORIAL BOARD


The main article of the previous issue, which referred to the genomic origins and customary practices formed over centuries, concluded: Systematic genomic comparisons of contemporary individuals with scientifically documented genomes from racial groups that history has recorded as having settled in our region during the Middle Ages and mixed with its Eleutherolakonian inhabitants could lead to conclusions about behavioural tendencies created on the basis of these racial affinities. Most importantly, however, these comparisons of the inhabitants of modern Mani and those who emigrated, with the genome of inhabitants of the region from 3-4 centuries ago, will undoubtedly reveal the multifaceted common characteristics found throughout the entire geographical area. This element, now substantiated, should lead to common actions by individuals with Maniot genetic roots to successfully addressing future challenges related to the promotion of our region.

The groups of citizens who have in the past expressed themselves publically, incorporating the concept of unity over the past three decades and more, are attempting, with whatever means the circumstances allow, to promote these genetic and customary practices. In this way, there is also some softening of egocentric tendencies and a connection of individual benefit with the common developmental and cultural goals of Mani. Unfortunately, very few other actions moving in this direction have been recorded during the period in question. Only two are noteworthy, the first because it has a strong basis that can lead to efficiency and the second, despite its negative outcome, can serve as a model for opening dialogues between the various regions of Mani and synthesing views to create cohesive plans and find pathways for their implementation.

The first action concerns the renaming of the local Diocese from Diocese of Gytheio and Oitylo to Diocese of Mani, which emerged in 2010 following a decision by the Synod of the Hierarchy of the Church of Greece. It cannot be characterised as a typical action because its boundaries did not change. On the contrary, it was a significant event because it brought the concept of “Mani,” lost since the 9th century, back to the ecclesiastical forefront. Naturally, this provided the opportunity for the associative expansion of the new ecclesiastical name into the socio-political space of the area and its inhabitants, to our compatriots in the diaspora, and before the entire state territory. The renaming did not come easily. Besides the conscious will of our local social expressions and then archibishop Chrysostomos, it required substantiation with a well-documented memorandum on the historical origin of the name compiled by the late scholar Dikaios Vayiakakos, as well as support from many Maniots and Philomaniots in Athens.This project has a solid foundation for success.


The second action concerns the founding of the Development Company of Mani in 1996, with headquarters in Oitylo. It was a corporation with shareholders being the four Development Associations of our area, based in Kardamyli, Areopoli, Gytheio, and Agios Nikolaos Smynou respectively, and almost all local government organisations of Mani as members. Its founding and operational start arose as a necessary condition for claiming one of the three agrotourism programs with ΕU funding allocated to the Peloponnese, concerning socially homogeneous areas without urban centers. All preparatory actions, the creation of its legal entity, the gathering of share capital with shareholders being the four Development Associations and their member local government organisations, and the selection of private investors for agrotourism projects, were conducted in a spirit of absolute harmony with successive meetings of the coordinating group and the investment proposal evaluation group. Thus, the goal was achieved, and the initial allocation of EU and state funding amounting to 1.5 billion drachmas was approved, intended for cultural enhancement projects and privately subsidised agrotourism programs at 50%. Unfortunately, this substantial financial foundation and its intended autonomous management by the Company’s representatives were not well-received by the politicians. Consequently, the traditional internal conflicts and quarrels arose, resulting in the loss of 90% of the projected funding and the eventual dissolution of the Company! This project, despite its failure, offers a model for future dialogue and planning.


The combined impact of these two actions shows the potential for unified efforts across Mani and it could serve as a starting point for the joint activity of all micro-societies in the Mani region and their cultural expressions. In particular, the unifying force, which is inherent in the local ecclesiastical expression with the manifestation of the will to act, could unite the entire human potential of the area and our compatriots at home and abroad, for the promotion of common restructuring and developmental goals. The formation of such a roadmap, and only this one, could give substantial meaning to the concept of “Unified Mani,” which we all invoke.



The science of Biology, and particularly its subfield Genetics, determines that every human being carries two types of traits during his/her lifetime: inherited and acquired. The inherited properties come from the interaction of genes contained in the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg when they combined to create the individual. The acquired are formed mostly during the early years of life through the interaction of each individual with the natural and man-made environment in which he/she grows up.

However, the genes of our parents contain properties and characteristics of two categories. Some are in harmony with the apparent characteristics of the parents, while others result from non-apparent traits, which are the recessive genetic factors. From the joining of sperm and egg during the creation of new life, it is equally likely that characteristics from both these groups of genes will appear. This possibility points to the research of the genome of our distant relatives from whom our parents inherited their genetic material. (Note that a genome is all the genetic material of each organism, while a gene is the basic physical unit of heredity in living organisms, part of the chromosome that passes on information about properties from one generation to the next). The logical analysis imposed by this cause ultimately leads to common racial characteristics of the population groups that have long inhabited each geographic area. The research process to identify these characteristics is generally difficult, but it is facilitated if the reference geographical areas are “closed,” i.e., if they have limited communication with other areas over long periods of time. This category also includes Mani, which for about four centuries before the creation of the modern Greek state, and for several decades afterwards, had limited communication with other regions. The mapping of the human genome, completed in recent decades, allows for the comparison of the genome of contemporary individuals with the genome of population groups that are believed to have contributed to its formation in distant periods of time, when they settled in these specific areas. However, a prerequisite for the reliability of the results of this comparison is a sound knowledge of the relevant historical data of each era combined with archaeological research that has led to the recording of genetic material from the bodily remains of individuals from those periods.

Moreover, in the creation of acquired traits, a dominant role is played by each child’s interactions with the environment in which he/she is raised, both the immediate and the wider family environment, as well as the physical space in which he/she develops. The influence of the customs and traditions of the society in which he/she lives, the language he/she first hears spoken, and in later years, the approach to the supernatural element through the religion embraced by his/her family environment also play a dominant role. According to more recent approaches of Sociobiology, a subfield of Biology, some acquired qualities can affect genes and become inheritable over a long-term perspective.

The long list of scientific opinions presented above is an attempt to substantiate the causes that created the common characteristics of the inhabitants of Mani, as they have appeared over the two centuries that they began to leave the region and integrate into the structures and functions of the modern Greek state. Throughout the 25-year publishing journey of MANIOT SOLIDARITY, aspects of these common characteristics have been presented in our columns, and we believe that our compatriot readers recognise some of their own traits in them. Among these common characteristics are the impulsive tendencies to accept or reject many of the ongoing socio-political developments.

Systematic genomic comparisons of contemporary individuals with scientifically documented genomes from racial groups that history has recorded as having settled in our region during the Middle Ages and mixed with its Eleutherolakonian inhabitants could lead to conclusions about behavioural tendencies created on the basis of these racial affinities. Most importantly, however, these comparisons of the inhabitants of modern Mani and those who emigrated, with the genome of inhabitants of the region from 3-4 centuries ago, will undoubtedly reveal the multifaceted common characteristics found throughout the entire geographical area. This element, now substantiated, should lead to common actions by individuals with Maniot genetic roots to successfully addressing future challenges related to the promotion of our region.

                                                                                                     THE EDITORIAL BOARD


Perhaps the title is a bit confusing. On one side, there is the pan-European parliamentary institution, and on the other, our small geographic area. However, a broader view finds connections in several issues. We will attempt to develop these further, starting with some general information.

    Among the European institutions, the European Council (usually at the level of ministers of the member states) and the European Commission (with one representative from each member state appointed by each government) have a dominant and decisive role. The European Parliament participates in the decisions of the two previous institutions, by giving its assent on matters of major importance and economic impact, that go as far as the approval of the President and all members of the European Commission. However, it also intervenes in all matters specified by the Treaties, which constitute the legal basis for the establishment and operation of the European Union, as well as for the main financial funds (the European Regional Development Fund (ΕΤΠΑ), the European Social Fund (ΕΚΤ), the Cohesion Fund (ΤΣ), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (ΕΓΤΑΑ) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (ΕΤΘΑ). These funds are used to finance the Community Support Frameworks (KΠΣ), which initially run for five years, as well as for Community Initiatives. Mani was included in two of these Community Initiatives: Leader II during the 1990s and the Integrated Rural Development Program (OXE) of Mani in the recent five-year period. Projects and works included in these initiatives were funded either from their own budgets or through the inclusion of selected projects and actions in the corresponding Community Support Framework (KΠΣ). We close this paragraph of general information by noting that the integration and financing of projects and works from the Community Support Frameworks are promoted either through the national level, which is managed by the respective ministries, or through the regional level, which is managed by the regions of the country.

    The geophysical, climatic, and cultural characteristics of Mani create by themselves a dynamic for development. Unfortunately, on their own, they are not sufficient for this dynamic to be practically expressed. A plan and a holistic approach are required to ensure that these developmental characteristics lead to the attraction of the necessary investments to yield economic benefits for Mani, its people, and the qualitative upgrade of its technical infrastructure. Unfortunately, private investments are promoted in an isolated and uncoordinated manner, while public investments are almost nonexistent. The planning and the holistic approach, as mentioned earlier, are lacking, and they do not generate the necessary impetus for public investments to respond to the dynamics created by the geolphysical space and private initiatives.

    The array of institutional expressions that guide financing, although complex and multi-layered, needs to be approached in order to transfer to it the right for the development of the region. The regional administration, ministries, MPs and MEPs (members of parliament and members of the European Parliament), who distribute the financing of public investments, are elected, and promote the region’s development rights, especially during critical pre-election periods, can be a first step towards positive prospects in the future.

    Unfortunately, a historical review leads to disappointing conclusions. We have failed even in managing the specialised funding for our region from the two Community Initiatives mentioned earlier. A large portion of their initial budgets was recalled, anticipated projects and works were detached, and the resulting benefits have not had a significant impact.

    The upcoming European elections are another opportunity to create a favourable climate for the region at the European level. The selection of candidates who have knowledge and experience related to development and who understand the qualitative characteristics of our region can create a favourable atmosphere that can be exploited in the future. Planning and a holistic approach are prerequisites for any effective approach. The advocacy line followed so far by the representatives of the region, due to its fragmented nature, has not yielded results. It is time to understand that the necessary reflection needs to be generated to revise it. It has been proven that advocating for one’s village, narrow geographical area, or municipality does not lead to public investments that will complement the significantly promoted private investments. A joint plan and joint proposals to regional administration, central government, MPs and MEPs can be the only path to attract funding. And then, we should learn to maximise their returns, with organisation and without internal competitions and selective allocations of funding.



Decades come and go, and Greece’s development, mainly based on tourism, progresses rapidly. In Mani, however, the pace is slow, relying mainly on individual initiatives. Public investment that would complete these initiatives and accelerate the development process is scarce and sporadic, while the promotional interventions of local representatives are almost non-existent. The critical factor for the development process, which is the radical improvements of the central road axis Kalamata – Areopoli – Gytheio – Sparta, has undergone very minor improvements over the past decades. The initiatives and sporadic interventions of the last regional administration were a form of departure from the long-term stagnation and the depreciative effects that occur from year to year, but they were small compared to what is required. Despite all this, nowhere on the horizon is there a willingness from the representatives of our region for joint actions and the presentation of well-documented requests to the central government, which is the body that makes the final decisions on important issues such as this. Two characteristic examples, related to the central road axis of Mani, prove the preceding observations.

A small improvement in the travel time from Kalamata to Western Mani, the tourist areas of Kardamyli, Stoupa, Agios Nikolaos, Areopoli, the Diros caves, and Gerolimenas could be achieved through the funding and execution of the bypass project of Kampos – Stavropigio. It should be noted that the study of the project began in 1996, initiated by the then Prefect of Messinia Panagiotis Foteas, following a joint proposal from the then independent communities of Western Mani! In the almost thirty years that have passed since then, significant financial resources have been consumed for improvements, revisions, updates, and additions to the main study, and its companion studies, but it seems that they were not linked to the final resolution of the issue. In this case too, there were significant promotional activities by the recent regional administration, but again, this case did not reach the funding and the start of the construction of the project…

Another old issue is the study of the Sparti – Gytheio road. It started in 2005 when the then Minister of Infrastructure Georgios Souflias visited Gytheio and subsequently announced the study following a relevant request. The study, however, has not yet been completed! While one part of it concerning the bypass of Sparti (Skoura – Pyri section) was constructed from the beginning, the old route and the section from the bypass junction towards Monemvasia to Gytheio remain the same as they were in the original layout many decades ago.

Certainly, the end of the Athens – Corinth – Tripoli motorway in Kalamata, as well as in Sparti, brought Mani much closer in terms of time, and a significant part of its tourist development is owed to this fact. However, visitors who quickly arrive with their cars to the capitals of Messinia and Laconia, if they are not Philo-Maniots, prefer other, more accessible local road destinations to continue their planned days of rest and recreation. Thus, the initial design of the central axis of Mani, in the footsteps of the old mule path, appears as a disincentive for easily mobile road travelers to the two cities where the new motorway ends, but also for their residents who wish to change scenery by visiting neighbouring areas with significant natural and cultural imprint.

An additional element that imposes the necessity for promoting requests aimed at planning and implementing radical improvements on the central axis of Mani is the expected upgrade of Kalamata airport, which serves as the gateway to the Peloponnese for air travellers from all continents. Whatever consortium, from those that have expressed interest in the airport’s long-term lease wins, will have to work with large travel companies from around the world, which will bring travellers to the western borders of Mani through Kalamata airport. The necessity of attracting this category of travellers to our region through the radical redesign of its main road axis becomes clear.

From the above, it is evident that the main goal for those who wish the development of our region to gain momentum, generating new incomes and new jobs for its inhabitants, but also in general, is the redesign of the central road axis. To achieve this goal, coordination of the elected representatives of Mani is required for joint actions within a unified framework of claims that, in addition to their promotion to the state administration, will also stimulate the necessary interventions from all institutions and all persons of increased influence in our region.

                                                                                                            THE EDITORIAL BOARD



In the main article of a previous issue of “Maniot Solidarity”, we presented the ideological framework that defines our newspaper, its objectives and aspirations for Mani, as condensed in its title. We deem it appropriate, as a follow-up, to specify how our ideological framework is promoted through research and, ultimately, through the selection and layout of content on specific pages of our newspaper. The greatest difficulty in the research process is information overload, which ultimately becomes a problem because, in addition to preventing the readers from approaching the substance of the material selected for publication, it also hinders them from critically selecting the most useful elements to improve their intellectual orientation and ideological background. Through this information overload, we attempt to document issues related to the ideological orientation and goals of our newspaper, and subsequently to clear them from any kind of bias in presentation and influencing opinions, so that we can delve into their true essence.

We have designed the layout of content in such a way as to refer to the entire chronological spectrum of Mani from the beginning to modern day. We attempt to harmoniously relate historical events of the past to the current needs of our area and its future prospects. We attempt to keep the layout of our material the same for every issue. More specifically, this layout is presented below:

On page 2, aspects of the heroic past of our region are presented, from the emergence of the geographical term “Mani” to our time. The search for content is difficult, since the needed material is scattered in many publications, most of which has not yet been digitised. In order to write the articles presented, on-site visits to libraries in Athens are required, as it is in the Greek capital where the sources are located. Given the strong differentiation of the historical course of the individual regions of Mani (Inner Mani, Outer Mani, Lower Mani, Bardounia, as initially presented by the first Maniot scholar Nikitas Nifakis, and other smaller geographical divisions), we considered it appropriate to collect and present this information on page 10.

Having thoroughly understood Adamantios Korais’[1] view that the educational upgrade of the Greeks should precede the Revolution of 1821 (concern that was surpassed by the impetuosity created by the desire for freedom of the Greek people), and believing in the need for continuous effort and improvement in the educational sector, we have reserved page 3 for the publication of articles on education and culture. Having accepted the anxiety for the rise of the cultural level in Mani, as expressed by Nikitas Nifakis due to his impending death (1818), we have decided to permanently place his “Farewell Address” quatrain on the top right-hand corner of page 3, as a timeless message to the youth of Mani.

Historians do not agree on who produces historical events: peoples, or individuals?  We are not in a position to take sides for or against either view. However, we consider it our duty, besides the intense promotion of achievements by Maniots as a whole to publish on page 4 the permanent column Ονομάτων Επίσκεψις, which presents the life and works of personalities from the intellectual and scientific worlds who excelled in their respective fields of activity.

In pages 6 and 7, we publish topics concerning the development of our region, mainly the technical studies and public works necessary to support the explosive increase in private investments in our area in recent decades. In these articles, we attempt to clear the news from the deliberately exaggerated projections of micro-political expediency. Politicians usually promote these projects through multiple references to the same work during its evolutionary phase; we attempt to disconnect the absorption of credits from the efficiency of the project as it really appears on the ground, and we do not avoid referring to the negative consequences on the final result caused by recapitulative tables and price revisions.

News from modern life in Mani is featured on pages 1, page 9 and page 8 with the presentation of local business activities (Επιχειρηματικές Δραστηριότητες) and on pages 11 and 12 with the presentation of Αnnouncements – Births, Marriages, Obituaries – (Κοινωνικά Γεγονότα).

The main article on page 1 reflects the general ideological framework of our association “Maniot Solidarity” for our region, as it relates to current political and social events. The translation of the main article into English and the presentation of the translation on page 8 is our conscientious obligation to the second and third generation Maniots, who might have difficulties with written Greek, as well as to foreign philo-Maniots. In a similar context, the signed articles presented on page 5, and often also on page 12, which, starting from critical socio-political events, also affect our area.

The layout of our newspaper, apart from the desire to meet the expectations of the contemporary Maniots and philo-Maniots, aims to create a legacy for future generations. We believe that our attempt to portray the character of the region in a coherent way can also function like seeds that condense the characteristics of plants for future germination.

                                                                                                                                       THE EDITORIAL BOARD

[1] Greek scholar and humanist (1748-1833)