The Municipality region of Kambos lies on the 20th km of the provincial road Kalamata – Areopolis and is the capital of the Municipality of Avia.

History – Monuments.

According to the evidence of the Ancient Greek writer Pafsanias, a re-markable civilization flouri-shed there with notable findings that were spotted in the later centuries.

Gerenia was believed to be at the hill of Zarnata where plenty of relics of the historical times were found at the pro-Christian founda-tions of the Medieval castle.

Considerable monume-nts appear at different parts of Kambos. The holy temple of St. Ioannis the Prodromos (13th century), the St. Theodori (12th century), the monastery of  Evangelistria and the church of Aghia Varvara that was built at the beginning of the previous century and is the central church of the village.

The Koumoundouros To-wer comes into sight at Ga-rbellia while a Mycenean vaulted tomb lies next to it. Currently the proposal on the restoration of the Tower and the nearby arche-ological area is being completed.

Population – Occupation

The Municipality region of  Kambos numbers 644 re-sidents (1991 census ) of all ages  having olive-picking   and live-stock breeding (home and professional) as a main occupation, while a number of them works seasonally at different bu-sinesses of Kalamata (packing dried figs and as auxiliary staff in tourism enterprises).

The main products of the area are olive-oil, cheese and meat.

The water system

The area is being provided with water from the Rintomo springs but the quantity of the water is considered to be in-sufficient. There is a wor-sening of the problem during the summer months. The Municipality of Avia puts forth joint moves in order to face this problem.

Transport – Roads – Road construction

Transport  to and from Kalamata takes place 4-5 times daily by the long distance KTEL buses.

The existing pre-war con-structed road that connects the area with Kalamata is considered insufficient and dangerous not only because of its narrowness but also of its many turns.

Farming roads are con-sidered to be sufficient. Still, some parts need to be cleaned from bushes and wadding.

Furthermore, the repair of the road system due to the damages caused by the re-cent rainstorms is absolutely essential.

Common areas – Cemetery

The grave yard is consi-dered small, its extension is necessary along with  the arrangement of its interior space.


A health center operates and covers the wider area. Its upgrading is imperative so that it can provide satisfactory medical care at first level. The existing vacancies of doctors at certain periods should be eliminated.

Education – Culture

The State Nursing School does not function satis-factorily. There is only one nu-rsery teacher for 30-40 children. Parents have to take their children from school at 1 p.m, leaving their farming works unfi-nished.

The primary school now fu-nctions as a whole-day school while there have been several attempts for the school to be upgraded to 6 classes along with the construction of  new extra classrooms and school staff offices.

The High school oper-ation is regarded satisfa-ctory.

The Cultural Association of Kambos Machaon contributes a great deal towards the advancement of the cultural and spiritual level of the residents.

It would be a great omission of ours not to refer to the donation of 2.500 books by the Greek Philology teacher Nikolaos Giannukopoulos, which probably lie piled up in a warehouse.

Antonis Roumaneas